A poet-anthropologist offers an “anti-glossary” to contest ways of knowing in social science that objectify people(s) into categories. “Emic/Etic” is…
Harvest SongA poet-anthropologist celebrates relatedness across difference in a poem that honors the festivals of Navratri, Durga Puja, Kali Puja, Day…
The Distant Origins of a Stonehenge StoneAfter two decades of research, scholars find that Stonehenge’s giant Altar Stone came from northeast Scotland. This article was originally…
Payangko, or Echidna (Zaglossus attenboroughi)After a 60-year haitus, an Attenborough’s long-beaked echidna was seen in Indonesia’s Cyclops Mountains. A poet-anthropologist reflects on the echidna’s…
An Ancient Child Who’s Changing ArchaeologyA Brazilian archaeologist reexamines the way people treat ancestral Indigenous remains housed in museums—starting with one important encounter. Can museums…
What a Community’s Mourning of an Owl Can Tell UsThe outpouring of grief over New York’s Flaco the owl, who died recently, reveals how much attitudes toward these creatures…
Bila MwiliA poet-historian in Tanzania remembers those who have passed but who are still nearby. “Bila Mwili” is part of the…
Replacing Plastic Prayers With Biodegradable Blessings in the HimalayasAs synthetic prayer flags and scarves pollute the Himalayan region, a team of scholars and activists work to spread sustainable…
Taking Cultural Preservation to a New DimensionA multidisciplinary team of researchers explains historical, cultural, and ethical issues they considered while developing a 3D scan of a…
Fair and Balanced—Weighing Coca With a Wipi in PeruAn Andean community’s use of weighing scales shows how meanings of fairness and justice differ across cultures. THE WIPI SCALE…