Table of contents
Two adults and two children in brightly patterned clothing carry wooden jugs across a sandy setting scattered with clusters of green grass.

A Somali Archaeologist Is Championing Heritage in the Horn of Africa

An interview with Sada Mire dives into the difficulties and rewards of preserving history and letting local perspectives guide heritage management in Somalia and Somaliland.
A black-and-white photograph of a woman at a desk in front of a shelf of books features her resting her chin on an upright book, with other books lying flat on the table.

Preserving Black Women’s Stories as a Labor of Love

An interview with anthropologist Irma McClaurin dives into the process and meaning behind creating an archival home for Black feminist work.
Bele Martinique - Bèlè dancers and musicians help shape how some Martinicans envision their future society.

How Black Caribbean Communities Are Reviving an Ancestral Dance Tradition

An interview with anthropologist Camee Maddox-Wingfield explores how practitioners of bèlè on the island of Martinique find agency, healing, and connection.
anthropology image representation - Business team discussing some papers on the floor in the office

The Power of Images

Selecting art for the magazine often raises sticky anthropological questions about ethics, representation, and storytelling.
racism in brazil - Protests against police violence in Brazil, like this march commemorating the life of a Black youth killed in his home, help speak to the transnational nature of anti-Blackness and white supremacy.

Combating Anti-Black Racism in Brazil and Beyond

An interview with anthropologist Christen A. Smith provides insights into resisting police violence and creating safe societies for people of African descent.

Dos veces víctimas: mujeres negras agredidas no se les reconoce como víctimas

En Perú, los estereotipos diseminados sobre las mujeres afroperuanas como agresivas e hipersexuales deja a muchas de ellas sin capacidad—o sin deseo—de buscar ayuda cuando sufren abusos.

When Black Female Victims Aren’t Seen as Victims

In Peru, rampant stereotypes about Afro-Peruvian women as aggressive and hypersexual leaves many women unwilling or unable to seek support as victims of abuse.