
“Emic/Etic” is part of the collection Poets Resist, Refuse, and Find a Way Through. Read the introduction to the collection here. For more information on the history and uses of these two terms, see this entry.
Find me (italicized)
in the mouths of strangers
knowable thing
I sit pretty between text subtext
white tongue, dull tooth.
This is what they make of me:
tense, action (pick apart)
I await myself in future study where citation
becomes me.
Still I sharpen my hooves patiently
so that I might beat a path
away from you.
For how do I know who it is that
writes me into being, whose heart
I carry—whose voice?
When social scientists decreed the body
observable, they made architecture of category.
O sublime ecstasy of knowing
I set your house ablaze.